Can I Use Acoustic Underlay with Laminate Flooring? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to improve the comfort of your home by reducing the noise that is reflected when walking inside? Do you want to invest in an acoustic base or soundproof mats but are worried about restrictions on the final finish of the floor you can use? The good news is that you won't be restricted! Placing an acoustic base under the laminate floor can greatly improve the comfort of your home, as it significantly reduces the noise that is reflected when walking inside your home. If you live upstairs, your downstairs neighbors will also appreciate that they don't hear you every step you take through the roof (transmitted impact sound).The soundproof base layers can be equipped with all types of floor finishes. The only caveat is that some finishes require a stabilizing layer before the final floor finish. Two of our base layers provide drum noise isolation: the Quickstep Unisound Combiflor (19 dB) and the Quickstep Silent Walk (17 dB).

They can be used with laminate or engineering floors and are ideal for sneaking around for a midnight snack. This combination of acoustic bases allows you to get much better results with the thinnest soundproofing products. In the case of carpets, you need a product that is soft but doesn't touch bottom, as is the case with most acoustic bases on the market. The science behind acoustic foundations can be complicated, but the main factors for reducing sound come down to three components: mass, damping and decoupling. The Sylpro acoustic base can be placed loose or glued, depending on the requirements of your particular job. We have talked about the importance of knowing if the floor to which the acoustic base is going to be added is made of wood or concrete and the importance of the final finishes of the floor.

The soundproofing properties of carpet base layers are also not soundproofed, in the same way as mats and mats. By having several layers of varying thicknesses and densities, you can smooth out this drop in performance and achieve the best soundproofing with your acoustic base layer. Because of how small and fragile floor tiles can be, you don't want to place them on soft, padded bases (as are acoustic bases), as this increases the chance of them cracking and breaking. The best acoustic base on its own is the MuteMat 3, which helps reduce both impacts and airborne noise. Sylpro 3 mm elastic acoustic base for linoleum, carpet, tile, laminate and wood floors.

This, together with the MuteMat range, provides the combination of highest-performing acoustic bases and, at the same time, keeps the build-up as thin as possible. In all of the acoustic layers and acoustic mats mentioned above, a carpet can easily be placed directly on them. Seal hermetically against the wall: place the acoustic base against the wall, place a washer on top of the mat and use the inside of the washing machine to draw a line along the mat, dragging the washer along the wall to get an exact replica of the shape and curve of the wall. The MuteMat 3 is one of best acoustic bases that allows you to comply with building regulations included in part E without needing to use any other material. To sum up, using an acoustic underlay with laminate flooring is a great way to reduce noise in your home while still being able to use any type of floor finish. It's important to note that some finishes may require a stabilizing layer before installation.

Additionally, there are several different types of acoustic bases available on the market that provide different levels of soundproofing. Finally, it's important to make sure that any floor tiles are not placed on soft padded bases as this increases their chance of cracking or breaking.

Ralph Walsh
Ralph Walsh

Passionate food aficionado. Infuriatingly humble twitter trailblazer. Unapologetic twitter fan. Friendly internet enthusiast. Subtly charming bacon trailblazer.